Are you ready for the change?


TV for a Better World.


A FARM HERO is Regenerating Their Farmland and Ranchland

Join us to explore regenerative agriculture in all its forms: ranches, farmland, homesteading, gardening, agro-technology, products, thought leaders, and of course the result of agriculture – THE FOOD!


the TV series is coming!

Let's take a new look at farming and our food.

Follow Along with Our Episode Culinary Guides

Each episode ends around a meal to share regenerative agriculture produce and proteins prepared by a local chef and food expert.


Follow our travels across the country as we visit our FARM HEROES on their regenerative agriculture farms and ranches.

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Behind The Scenes of Farm Hero

FARM HERO Episode Quotes

Will Harris
Will HarrisWhite Oak Pastures, GA
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"When I met Allan (Savory Institute), I'd already been doing this for a number of years, and I thought I knew as much about this kind of farming as anyone on the planet. He just clearly was light years ahead of me. So I jumped on the opportunity to take the training. Zimbabwe was the furthest I've ever been from home, but it's the most at home I've ever felt. Zimbabwe felt just like this. I could've just stayed there. If I had to stay somewhere, I'd go there."
Rancher Cloe Parker - 21-year-old entrepreneur
Rancher Cloe Parker - 21-year-old entrepreneurParker Pastures, Gunnison, CO
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“I’ve always known that ranching was what I am supposed to do. I think the connection to the land, to the animals, is beautiful but also to provide people with really good food. It is a privilege and I hope that more people…that mommas let their babies grow up to be cowboys and cowgirls because it is one of the best, most fulfilling jobs there is and we need as many as we can get.”
Rancher Bill Parker
Rancher Bill ParkerParker Pastures, Gunnison, CO
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“It’s hard to make a living in agriculture, but it’s very possible, and it’s very possible to make a good living. That is a passion of mine. Try to show young people that this is an attractive lifestyle and being your own boss and being outside every day and being with the animals is like the best life you can have. It’s happening.”
Farmer Alice
Farmer AliceGolden Hoof, Golden, CO
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“People don’t understand what they are missing. There would be bands playing in veggie farms and people eating pizzas. There would be so many happy, social, family, cultural, celebratory events that people would love. People want to be out here on this farm. Having a farm dinner with these sheep behind them. The joy is there. If they were to experience it on almost any small farm in America they would find so much joy and they would want more of it and they would know what they are missing. I think we need to stop lecturing people and start showing them where the party is.”
Mark Biaggi
Mark BiaggiTomKat Ranch
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"I like your term intentional shopping-intentional purchasing of your food. Understanding where that food comes from and that your dollar spent on food actually impacts your environment and your children and all your descendants. When it comes to CAFO’s (Concentrated Animal Feeding Operation aka feedlots), what are they actually having to feed these animals? Because corn is not a balanced diet for a cow. Do they want to eat corn? Yes. They will, but it’s actually too much sugar for their digestion and it makes them sick. And so they have to treat them with a lot of things, sometimes drugs, sometimes not. If it’s not good for the animal, is it good for the person that’s eating the meat? And that’s the question we need to ask."
Laura Zaspel
Laura ZaspelHost of Farm Hero
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"As a consumer, now we’re making that connection. You go into the store, or you go to the farmer’s market, when you buy regenerative agriculture produce, proteins, and support a farmer who’s practicing in that way or transitioning. You’re playing a direct role in fire management, in the carbon cycle and in the nutrient cycle."

© Farm Hero 2024